Too many CTA’s spoil the broth

Too many CTA’s spoil the broth

2 min read

PSST! Come here…I’ve got a secret to tell you. 🤫

There are these things called CTA’s, and they’re gonna be the future of marketing.

No, really!

But there’s a problem. Most SaaS companies make the same two mistakes with their CTA’s.

The first is what I call the ‘Token CTA’.

This is where the writer knows they should include a CTA, but have no idea what it should be.

So they delve into their vast arsenal of language, and pull out “Read More” for the fifth time this week.

The second is the trusty old scatter gun approach.

Not sure what your CTA should be? No problem! Include as many as possible:

“Get started”

“Learn more”

“Read the guide”

“Try it now”

(The above list isn’t parody, it was pulled directly from a Figma email 😬)

Instead of falling into these same traps, here are 3 tips that'll up your CTA game:

1️⃣ Pick one CTA for the whole email/page/post

What is the ONE thing you want the reader to do? Maybe it's to start a free trial, or maybe switch to annual subs.

Whatever it is, that is the only CTA you're going to include.

If the email is a bit longer, it's fine to repeat that one CTA. Just don't muddy the water by asking them to do more than one thing.

2️⃣ Be specific

No-one feels compelled to click a vague button, like the ones I mentioned earlier.

So be specific!

Instead of "Read more", say "Read more about scheduling posts".

Don't say "Start free trial", say "Try BossBot now and start saving time"

This gives the CTA pull power in its own right, but also tells the reader exactly what they're getting.

3️⃣ - Pick your moment

Once you're got your one CTA, and it's specific enough, don't just throw it at the reader at random intervals.

You're following a narrative. Outlining features or services, and telling the reader how it benefits them.

Add your CTA's where it fits the narrative, and doesn't feel forced.

The best way to know if you've done this is by reading your copy aloud, including the CTA.

If it sounds weird, it's not in the right place.